Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cleaning House

I grew up in a VERY clean house--everything was always in place. My husband, on the other hand, did not. Now, I wasn't there, but over the eight years I've been with my hubby, I've come to realize that keeping a clean, clutter free home was not something that was made a priority during his formative years. Thus, there is a constant struggle in my home over organization and what each of us considers clean and I have been losing this struggle, especially since we've added a little addition to our family. I can't take it anymore. We've been blessed with a larger-than-we-need-f0r-n0w home with a lot of closets and lots of space and those closets and space have quickly filled up with "stuff". Sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating in my own house from all of our "stuff". I feel like I'm being weighed down and it is affecting every part of me. I want it out.

I was reading an article the other day about reorganizing your home in 7 days. This article suggested tackling one room/project a day for a week so that the overwhelming task of reorganizing an entire house doesn't seem impossible. I'm doing it!

I started yesterday and I've decided to clean/organize the house from top to bottom--literally. I started upstairs in our bedroom, which includes a bathroom and a fairly large closet. I didn't finish our room yesterday (afterall, I still have a baby to take care of) and I recognize that my project may take more than a week, but I'm committed to it because I refuse to raise my son in a home of clutter. I refuse to allow him to think that it's acceptable. And I refuse to let him leave my house when he's grown up to have his wife teach him how to clean.

The husband and I had a few good, lengthy conversations about this, and he's agreed (finally!) that this is indeed important. So what I need now is prayer. Pray that I will be diligent in my task and prayer that the hubby will continue to support my efforts and be mindful about what he's agreed to.

I'm starting to feel the weight lift off of my shoulders...

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